Maafla sy tak balas msg awk..as you know..ptg smalam sy mengadu kat awk yg sy sakit kan..well..its been going like since last weekend i think...and erm...like i said i haven't been to the the clinic...if you ask me why i haven't done so..i really don't know...the other day..when i said that i'm not in the mood...i was really not in the mood...i was thinking about something...and it hit me.. I'm really sorry about that...erm..about last night..i'm sorry that i didn't reply ur message..u were saying that why your ym came out with different emoticons and all that...its because i felt tired..and fell asleep...i mean its only what around 10 or so...but i really2 felt tired..then i woke up around 12...i ym'ed you...but then you didn't reply...it's ok...i understand that you had some problems with ur ym and all...its ok...erm..you'd probably asking why all of a sudden i'm using english rite?...well, its like i've been watching so many movies..i watch like sometimes..one movie in one day...sometime maybe more...so..its like the thing kept me to like say it....
One other thing..you remember when we last met right?...well, as you know..at that time i'm really a bit mad at you..i was frustrated and all..but i don't entirely blame you for that..it's just wrong timing...you know...that same day..i should have gone back home to help ayah...he had this like part time job where he rent out..its like bile ade time org kahwin kan..kan ade org yg main2 kan lagu tu...so..only that time it wasn't majlis kahwin..that day there was an open house..jiran taman je..so..uncle tu mcm sewakan dari ayah sy PA system tu la...ala..mcm karaoke2 gitula... But instead that day i didn't went home that evening...instead i went to see you...and then...when we were on the car on the way to your friend's house...we weren't had that many conversations...we should have like talking..asking how have you been and all..but..then..yup..i wasn't really in the mood...hmm..anyway...later after i sent you..i went back home...and i went to that open house...when i reached there...majlis pun dah tamat..but ayah was still there..only thing that i didn't help him out...erm..so jgnla amik ati ke ape yg sy dah ckp ni...its just that..i had the mood for talking..well technically not talking...typing...its just luahan hati sy..tu je..
Erm..sometimes i really felt that..there are so many things to do..and it really give me a headache sometimes...sy pikir byk sgt...kdg2 tu nak tido pun pikir byk bende...sampai kdg susah plak nak tido...but when i go home..bile ibu ngan ayah balik..i felt a bit lega...you know...seeing them..it made me a bit happy for a while...as if segala masalah hilang sekejap...balik tgk mohamad lagi...bagi sy..sejak ade mohamad tu...i really felt different..i learn how to baby sit him...sy blaja sikit2 camne nak layan die..main2 ngan die..yelah..budak kecik kan...sometimes you really2 feel tired..but then you have to layan die...so..die buat kite latih rase sabar tu...kdg kite tak suke ape yg die buat...tapi..yelah..budak kan..manela die nak paham sgt...
So..yup...i think that's about all of it...you know..i had always keep things to myself...jarang la bagi sy nak cite2 ni..its like..sometimes people don't understand me...but i tried to understand them...kdg tu ape yg org ckp tu..kdg2 mmg arr kate tak amik ati..tapi kdg tu adela sikit...but then..i tried to like let it go..just let it be..biar lah ape yg org nak ckp..ckpla..kutuk ke..maki ke..ape ke..biarlah...and erm...one other thing is that..i tried to change..i mean there are things that i really need to take care of...its becoming a problem to me...and one other thing is....lately..i've been reading a lot of books and...ade yg bile sy bace...dpt buka sikit la minda tu...but then...sy sdg cubalah utk byk lagi bace buku2 camtu..so...its going to take a while for me...in other words..yg berilmiah la...kdg tu pun..ade bende yg sy tak tau...so..sy tanyekan org yg tau...so...my advice to you is...if you have the time..try to you know..bace bende2 camtu..cume hati2 sikit ajela...sbb skrg ni kadang2 byk bende yg tak betul...tu jela... sometimes..ade bende tu..klu bace..ade bende yg kdg2 relate pada diri kite...so..jgnla kate sy ni ape...sy nasihat je...
So..apepun lagi skali...ape yg sy ckp ni...byk tu rasenye...huhu...it's just what i feel ok...jgnla amik ati ke ape...if you have anything to say...i mean ade yg tak puas hati ke ape...feel free to say it...well, its almost 2 o'clock...esok dahla klas kul 8...i'll see you again...patutnye sy antar emel jekan...huhu..takpelah...hmm..gudnyte...wassalam...