"Awak, bile awak nak datang KL?. Asyik saye je ke sane, skali-skale awak datangla sini."
"Ala, bukannya saye tak nak, tapi, susahla kalau sorang-sorang. Nak kene ajak kawan skali. Kalau takde kawan nak ikut, saye tak boleh pi. Lagipun, mama tak bagi sorang-sorang."
"Ooo, kalau gitu, awak ajakla kawan baik awak tu skali. Awak balik hari jela, satu hari je jalan-jalan kat KL. Boleh eh.."
"Erm, tengokla camne, pape nanti saya gitau awak eh.."
It's not that i do want it, but, i've been thinking of doing some things differently. Most of the time, I'm the one that always meet her by her place. Sometimes, I want to bring her to some place nice, and memorable perhaps. Just going to simple places, not those lavish places. Heck, going to those places make me a bit, abit awkward I should say, and heck, I can't afford it lah. It's been quite sometime that I invite her to come here. One day..
"Awak, hari minggu ni saye nak datang KL. Awak free tak?"
"Betul ke ni awak nak datang? Saye ok je rasenye, sebab awak nak datang, saye free2 kan diri saye."
"Ok, nanti saye dengan kawan saye datang naik bas. Nanti jumpa kat Pudu jela. Pape nanti saye mesej awak bile dah sampai."
I was really looking forward to see her that weekend. So far as I can remember, I haven't had much things to do that weekend. Nah, even if I had things to do, I would skip it. Do it later lah. Anyway, the day was saturday. That time, I use my friend's motorcycle, sort of borrowed it from him, and drove from my house all the way to SOGO. There, I parked the motorcyle, go on to Pudu, using the STAR LRT, about 2 station away to Masjid Jamek Station, where I would meet hear by the Pudu Bus Terminal.
"Hye awak, ape khabar? Akhirnye, sampai jugak awak ye.."
"Hye, erm, yela, dah awak beriya nak saye datang, saye datangla."
"Ala, bukannye slalu kan jalan-jalan camni. Tiket bas balik kul brape?"
"Petang nanti, dalam kul 5."
"Ooo, kalau gitu jom, kite pergi KLCC. Kite pergi Aquaria."
She wore a almost everything in dark blue and I wore a yellow-collared shirt
with my black Quiksilver hat. We walked from Pudu, using the available public transportation there is, mostly the LRT trains. At Aquaria, we took the tour of the whole place, seeing all the wonderful aquatic life, from fishes, sharks, turtles and so on.
"Okla awak, saye nak balik dah ni, terima kasihla bawak saye jalan-jalan hari ni."
"Same-same, terima kasih jugakla sebab sudi datang ke sini. Jumpa lagi eh, bye"
"Bye-bye" I bid her farewell and waive goodbye.