It has been a month I underwent my internship.. so far so good.. as they say.. as you go along.. you would 'pick-up' little-by-little.. It does seems hard in the beginning.. but after a while.. you have the hang of it.. so.. the past month has been a bit tiring for me.. literally.. yelah.. pagi2 bangun.. and then siap2 nak pegi keje.. and then balik petang dah penat.. sampai2 umah.. makan malam.. pastu malam tu wat aktiviti2 yg patut.. furthermore.. aku tak dptlah nak tgk sebanyak drama yg mungkin spt sblm ni..'volume' nye jadi sedikit..
so.. for the following dramas.. mungkin aku kene 'stop' tgk sekejap arr.. sbbkan availability nye.. ade yg still on air..tapi kene tunggu episod tu dah ade subs.. pastu ade yg dramanye dah abis..tapi aku tak sempat nak tgk.. either sbb streaming lambat.. (sbb tgk online).. atau mmg tak sempat nak tgk.. atau tak available (online 0r downloads) mase berkelapangan lah kan...klu sempat tgkla.. (*_*) are the updates for march...

...[Smile, DongHae]...

...[Flames of Ambition]...

...[Becoming A Billionaire]...


...[On Air]...

...[My Love, My Family]...

...[All My Love]...

...[Prosecutor Princess]...
Yang ni.. dah abis tayangan..tapi aku tak abis kan tgk lagi...

...[Paradise Ranch]...
Yang dah abis tgk...


...[High Kick Through The Roof]...
Dan yang ni.. ongoing.. (kene tunggu episodnye every week..)..

...[Crime Squad/Detectives in Trouble]...


...[Welcome to the Show]...