And really nothing matters
But the love you bring
You're my everything
To see you in the morning
With those big brown eyes
You're my everything
Of ever and the day I need you close to me
You're my everything
You never have to worry
Never fear for I am near..
Lagu ni..probably one of my best evergreen songs ever..huhu..tajuk lagu nye pun..dlm BM nye..maksudnye 'Kaulah Segalanya'..for me..listening to this song..it takes me back way back in the 'old days'..dlm BM nye..'zaman mude la katekan'..huhu..ntahla..aku pernah cube gak..bile dgr lagu ni time2 malam2 tu..sorang2 lak tu..mmg kadang2 menusuk jiwa..[ayat jiwang giler..]...hmm..anyway..bukan stakat lagu ni je..ade lagi lagu2 laen..yg bagi aku..ade lagu2 tertentu..bile dgr..aku akan igt peristiwa2 tertentu arr..lagu ape tu??..well..it depends sbb byk sgt..huhu...insyaAllah klu ade kesempatan..aku rase nak aje post...anyway..hope you'll enjoy..:)..jap agi ni aku ade exam..tinggal lagi 2 paper je..good luck nizam!..
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