Convofest 2006 was a success..and from what i know it is the first time held in Cyberjaya campus..sblm ni klu Convofest je..buat kat Melaka..yelah..Grand Hall tu dah siap kan...mase tu..aku join 3 event...Longest Playing Giant Saidina..Intercampus (Hockey) dan Pertandingan Nasyid...tapi bagi aku mmg best arr..seronok!!..(^^)..the dinner was held at Palm Gardens Hotel @ Putrajaya...tak jauh pun...dekat je...hehe..

Just after we finished our exams..aku pi Terengganu utk kem YTM nih..yelah..lagipun time tu dah start tu..pi la 'bercuti' jap....(^*)...actually program ni untuk budak2 YTM Melaka..somehow..diorang ade bukak utk budak2 YTM Cyber sape2 yg nak join arr...the contents of the program...most of it is about teamwork and the same time..we had our fun...(^^)...

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