Patiently the clock ticks. It goes slowly each second, as if it makes a rhythm. I looked at the watch in my hand, it's already 9 o'clock. The drama starts. No directors screaming 'action!', or someone saying 'take one, take two, take three' whatsoever. Its the same thing all over again. Only that this time, surprisingly there were more actors. I really didn't know why. I'm wondering myself though. I really felt that I'm not alone. The script, is of course different. Its a bit complicated. I managed to overcome the others, but this one, I don't know. Something is not right. To me, its another of those episodes in which I myself knows the ending. It could be a tragic ending, a happy ending, a sad ending, whatever. Then it stops. Not knowingly either there would be another episode or this is just the beginning of it.
Later in the afternoon, a friend of mine YM'ed me, as I was busying looking what to download in CT. Its quite awkward to me that, we seldom chat that much. Rupenye, die tgh takde keje. Tapi, takpela, nak borak-borak kosong jap kan, sementara aku menunggu kelas petang nanti.
Later in the afternoon, a friend of mine YM'ed me, as I was busying looking what to download in CT. Its quite awkward to me that, we seldom chat that much. Rupenye, die tgh takde keje. Tapi, takpela, nak borak-borak kosong jap kan, sementara aku menunggu kelas petang nanti.
ME: yela...byk bende nak igt.. terlupe..
XYZ: uih... bz nye die... ape yg awak kne igt?
ME: ape yg kene igt??... ntahla..mcm2 kot.. duit... makan.. minum.. shopping... kahwin.. mcm2 arr
XYZ: mkn ngan minum pun nk igt? shooppng??? kahwim????? apekah??? ngan sape?? bg tau la.. takan ngan sy pun nk rahsia
ME: le..nak korek rahsia org.. takdela..pikir2 je nak kahwin..
XYZ: series??slalunye...org pk2 nk kawin ni da ade calon.. ooo...dlm diam ek??
ME: dah org tak suke..nak wat camne..
XYZ: setahu sy...org laki ni takut nk kawin, tp kalo org laki da pk2..maknanye die da sedia.. termasuk la da ade calon
ME: tanggungjawab tu..
XYZ: nk bina masjid ni jgn lmbt2 kan
ME: mmg arr.. tapi..sebelum nak bina tu..kene cari bahan2 nye supaya ia utuh sampai ke akhir hayat
ME: byk bende nak pikir sebenarnye..
XYZ: skang ni pk la psl study dulu.. kalo kite pk manyak mende.. nnt manyak mende yg kite lag tertinggal tau.. fokus satu2
ME: haih.. ntahla..
XYZ: jgn pk manyak sgt.. nnt rambut tumbuh uban br awak tau
ME: calon depan mate pun tak dpt..
XYZ: huh.. skang ni awal lag org sume pk nk study lag nnt nk dekat2 grad br la awak cr
ME: hmm.. grad..tu pun pikir gak tu.. rasenye..klu awk mcm sy...dah pening arr...pikir mcm2..
XYZ: jgn rumitkan keadaan.. pk simple je.. nnt hidup awak pun akan jad simple ...
XYZ: nape ni? jgn sedeh2.. ceria2 selalu
ME: ceria2 pun... hati mungkin lain..
XYZ: hurm.. tu x kesah... bile kite ceria... hati pun x terasa sgt walaupun hati tgh sedih tyme tu percaya la...
ME: tp..ia dtg lagi..cume situasi dan keadaan berbeza
XYZ: atasi la dgn cr yg sama... walaupun hati sakit...tp...perkara biasa la bile ade mslh kan?
I finally make my way, yet, from another scene. That was only a glimpse of it. I edit it to make it like a storyline...hehehe..(^_^)... Anyway, as much as what I have been through, I must prepare for the unwritten scripts which I may say, its like going to the 'unknown'. That feeling of fear and scared. Of course, everyone has it. Its only a matter of how to deal with it.
"CUT!!. Ok, that's it for today, see you all again later."
Unfortunately, there was one...
ina: ala..saje2 sembang ngan member tu...hehehe..
ainies: bagus2 klu kamu setuju...(^_^)...
institusiusrah: haih..pikir2 je la..almaklumlah..umur2 camni...duit hantaran tu lum cukup lagi daaa...(^_%)...
nk kawen tu jgk lupa jemput saye..
nk kad wangi2..xmo yg spray2 nyer k..=P
ler..nak kad mahal2...yg simple2 sudey..(%_^)...
insyaAllah..bile tibe masenye nti..sampaila kad tu kat peti surat umah tu...hehe..(^_^)..
oi mat,nak kawen ke???ajak aku skali...ahakss...
Ya Rabbi....gatai benor...
mane ade nak gatai2 lak..
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