part of me say I should stay
I can't make up my mind.
So many things to do
so many things to think of.
Minute after minute
hour after hour
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
For how long does it have to be this way?
Emotionally unstable, as I say it
for so long I have kept
but, it wouldn't go away.
As if I'm lost without any rope to hold on
and time kept going and going.
Empty and dull,
in search of hope
far beyond my reach.
Left behind
like no one seems to care,
- END -
nobody wants to be lonely~
Ujian Dia hanya untuk insan yang terpilih~
Jangan mudah mengalah pada mainan perasaan! 4 everything dat happen, there must be a reason. Think p0sitive yerp!~ :)
Kita harus jadi lebih kuat untuk 11 bulan lagi dalam 2009 yang bakal mendatang!
rs mcm nk jadi p0mp0m girl:
g0 g0 g0!!! hehe.. :D
terima kasih atas nasihat mu itu...
i really appreciate it..(^_^)..
erk..bytheway..~mIsS_p00h~ ni sape ye??...
haiz encik nizamuddin shah ni! :P
~mIsS_p00h~ adelah mantan bip awk yg dh kertu itew! :D
Sila lah tanye yana. klau awk x kenal, memang nak kene bile akak g cj nnt! hehe..
saye knal miSs_p0oh itew~
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