So..bile kami sampai.. order makanan..pastu tunggu..sambil2 tu borak2 la..citela pasal kehidupan masing2...nak cite pasal anak-isteri tak kahwin lagi.. citela sikit2 pasal politik ke..pasal sukan ke.. common stuff la.. org kate ape.. nak update la ngan isu2 semasa nih.. kitorang lepak2 sampai agak lewat arr...dlm kul 1 pagi baru bergerak nak balik... time nak balik..member sorang aku ni bwk kete die..dan aku bwk kete aku ngan member aku lagi sorang naik ngan aku...sbb die on the way ikut aku lagi sorang ni die nak balik umah.. which is laluan lain la... so then we went on our separate way... not long after that..tibe2 aku dpt call dari member yg lagi sorang td tu la...
"Shah, aku nak mintak tlg ko nieh.. tayar aku pancit la..!!.."
"Laaa.." aku kate..pastu aku tanye die.. "pastu?..ko tukar jela mcm biase.."
Yang aku ingat die kate; "aku takde bende nak bukak bolt tayar tu.."..
So..then..terpaksela aku patah balik..nasib baik tempat die pancit tu tak jauh dari kedai kami mkn sblm tu... Sampai2 je..die pun dah pun mulekan operasi.. biasenye..bile ade tayar akan kate 'jack' atau 'jek' kete tu... maksudnye..kite kene 'angkat' kete tu so that tayar leh ditukar... biasenye..alat 'jek' tu ade kat tempat tayar spare kat bonet blakang... [bagi yg bwk kete should know la ape yg aku ckp nih...hee~..].. so..dah siap2 tukar sumer.. aku ade cakap kat member aku tu..
'Ni la die kenangan erk.."..

[...rupenye tayar die meletup..agak besar gak la die punye bukaan thread tayar dari kesan letupan tu..]
So..kepada semua yang bawak kete..[walaupun bukan kete sendiri....] just a few things that I like to share la..
Number 1: ALWAYS [I repeat] ALWAYS have a spare tyre. Take some time to check if it is in good condition or not.
Number 2: ALWAYS have the proper equipment available in your car.
Number 3: DO NOT PANIC. If it happens on a highway, call the highway operators, they should inform the highway patrol to give assistance.
Number 4: CALL someone that you know who live nearby. This is when friends and acquitances come in handy.
Number 5: PRAY that everything will be just fine..(^_^)..
So..then..terpaksela aku patah balik..nasib baik tempat die pancit tu tak jauh dari kedai kami mkn sblm tu... Sampai2 je..die pun dah pun mulekan operasi.. biasenye..bile ade tayar akan kate 'jack' atau 'jek' kete tu... maksudnye..kite kene 'angkat' kete tu so that tayar leh ditukar... biasenye..alat 'jek' tu ade kat tempat tayar spare kat bonet blakang... [bagi yg bwk kete should know la ape yg aku ckp nih...hee~..].. so..dah siap2 tukar sumer.. aku ade cakap kat member aku tu..
'Ni la die kenangan erk.."..
[...rupenye tayar die meletup..agak besar gak la die punye bukaan thread tayar dari kesan letupan tu..]
So..kepada semua yang bawak kete..[walaupun bukan kete sendiri....] just a few things that I like to share la..
Number 1: ALWAYS [I repeat] ALWAYS have a spare tyre. Take some time to check if it is in good condition or not.
Number 2: ALWAYS have the proper equipment available in your car.
Number 3: DO NOT PANIC. If it happens on a highway, call the highway operators, they should inform the highway patrol to give assistance.
Number 4: CALL someone that you know who live nearby. This is when friends and acquitances come in handy.
Number 5: PRAY that everything will be just fine..(^_^)..
hoi..bak gmba keta aku nieh..haha..
-owner tayar
ahaks...aku ingatkn member mana la td..upanya member2 terdekat..haha...rahsia terbocor ketika melihat kekalahan ManU..hee~
ohh..ini alkisahnye..
tp cam ter0k jugak je tayar tuh letup?:p
p/s: thanx reminder tuh..nk cek la ade spare tayar x..hehe :p
owner tayar:
sengal arr...
tula..keluar lagi malam2..balik lewat...huhu..
yelah..member tu hang kenal sgt la...hehe..
dah nak kalah..nak wat camne...
you'll never walk alone~~~
bagus2..check2 tgk ade ke x..
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