nak dijadikan cerite...cite start kul 10.30 malam..tapi aku sampai lambat dlm setengah jam...tu yg bile aku sampai2 je..dah duduk tu..'eh..cite melayu?.. lah..rupenye..cite ni'..aku kate dlm hati..tp takpela..tengokjela...huhu..
so..ape yg menariknye cite ni??..klaka..klaka...dan klaka..itu je kot yg aku leh citekan...hehe..mane taknye..dlm wayang tu ..ade je adengan2 yg 'mencuit hati'...mmg gelak sakan arr sumer dlm panggung tu...klu tak gelak mase scene yg klaka..tak tau la..haih~..
anyways..sedikit sinopsis la cite nih...aku copy paste je ye..hehe..
Wildman AJ (AC Mizal) is colour blind. Salleh (Harun Salim Bachik) is a retired cop who tries to sell his invention to the police. The two hate each other but these two private detectives must join forces to solve their biggest cases, involving a corrupt man (Datuk 'O' Osman), a sexy secretary (Hannah Tan) and an art collection theft syndicate.
Haa..itula sinopsis nye..pendek, padat dan tak menarik perhatian langsung...(haha..;)..)...anyways..sape2 yg lum tgk..(like I usually say before this..haih..).. pi la tgk..(^_^)...
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