With the year nearing the end.. tibe2 lak terase nak cite pasal drama korea.. kalau ikutkan.. sblm2 ni aku tak layan sangat.. layan movie je banyak... berlambak dlm simpanan.. sampai ade yg tgk berulang2 kali.. walaupun tgk banyak kali pun.. klu off subtitle.. pun tak paham gak .. so..actually.. i'm not a fan of dramas.. i watched it because some of them.. ade yg pernah berlakon dlm movie2 yg aku pernah tgk sblm nih... and it somehow intrigued me to watch it.. to yg tgk tuh.. so.. here are some of the dramas that i watched this year.. (doesn't count what year the drama is produced)... and truth to be told.. most of them i watched it during these past 3-4 months.. hehe.. (^_^)...
These are the ones yg dah abih tgk...

...[The Fugitive Plan B]...

...[Personal Taste]...

...[Coffee House]...

...[You're Beautiful]...

...[You're My Destiny]...

...[The Snow Queen]...

...[Playful Kiss}...

... My Girl...

...East of Eden...

...[Bread, Love & Dreams]...
While these are the ones yg currently tgh tgk (yg on-air kat tv dan kene tunggu tiap2 minggu utk org upload... (*_*)..)...

...[Secret Garden]...

...[Marry Me, Mary!]...


...[Flames of Desire]...

...[All My Love]...
Last but not least.. yg ni plak dah abis download full episodes.. dan tgh tgk.. (^_^)....
...[Coffee Prince]...

...[Cinderella Man]...

...[Swallow the Sun]...

And there's this one drama that I'm really looking forward to watch it.. which will be aired next year this coming month...

...[Dream High]...
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