Ingat tak kat post aku sblm ni..yg aku kate aku lupe name stesen bile sampai kat singapore tu???...bari aku igt yg namenye Stesen Tanjung Pagar..hehe..[credit to Ikhwan sbb tlg igtkan..hehe..O_o..]...
Isnin - 2 Jun 2008.
After we had our breakfast, then the bus finally arrived..seigt aku time tu dah pukul 9 pagi..[agaknye]..anyway..we boarded the bus, have our luggage the way, bas yg kami naik tu..bukanla mcm bas ekspress 40-seater tu..die mcm bas mini je..around +-20 org leh masuk....nevertheless, our destination is to Jamiyah

Headquarters..which is located in Geylang...which is just outside of the city and not very far away and a few minutes drive from the city itself...along the way..sambil2 duduk dalam bas tu..kami 'disajikan' dengan pemandangan sekitar bandar singapore..rase jakun tu ade gak la..mane taknye...last time pi pun..mak aku kate mase kecik2 dulu...tahun 90an' time tu kecik lagi...mane la nak igt..lagipun dulu ngan sekarang jauh berbeza...
Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui
After the separation from Malaysia, the name
changed to the Muslim Missionary Society Singapore (JAMIYAH) but the ties with the former branches remain cordial. In 1970,Mr Abu Bakar Maidin and his colleagues were elected to join the office. They then had $5.60 in the kitty and their membership was a mere 190. Over the years, the membership surged to 35,000 members. This reflects the community's support and confidence in JAMIYAH. Alhamdulillah, by dint of hard work and with the help from all quarters, they have been able to rebuild the HQ building from a single storey building to a 4 storey modern centre in 1985 and then to the present 7-storey building in 1997.
President - Mr. Abu Bakar Maidin

Jamiyah Headquarters

Currently, Jamiyah has possessed 4 'homes' which is Darul Ma'wa - children's home, Darul Takrim - which is the home for the aged, Daru Syifaa' - the nursing home, and Darul Islah - which also known as the 'halfway' house, more or like rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

2007 mark the celebration of Jamiyah's 75 years establishment..The long years, with tremendous efforts and work to help the muslim community of Singapore in particular, and also doing charitable activities, indeed, it has become one of the most successful organization in the world.

Darul Ma'wa

Darul Takrim

Darul Syifaa'

Darul Islah
To know more about Jamiyah Singapore, log on to:

Kalau nak ikutkan..byk bende nak cite pasal Jamiyah ni...apepun..klu sape2 yg nak tahu lebih lanjut...masuklah websitenye..hehe..(&_*)...
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