We woke up early utk solat subuh..walaupun badan still rase letih..tapi kene gagahkan diri gak bangun…kami bersiap dan tunggu sementara bas dtg…first, we head on to darul takrim utk jemput muslimat..and then head on to darul islah..aku pun tak igt darul islah ni terletak kat mane..tapi die tak jauh dari darul takrim…anyway…today..almost the whole day kami akan ber‘mukim’ di sini..there will be few activities dilakukan bersama penghuni darul islah ni…
Darul Islah merupakan ‘rumah’ bagi bekas2 penagih dadah yg ingin kembali ke pangkal jalan dan menjalani kehidupan seperti insan2 biasa yg lain…kat
So..kedatangan kami pagi tu…disambut baik oleh penghuni2…dan aktiviti pertama dengan mereka ialah main futsal…so..budak2 laki mostly main arr..agak penat gak la berlari…tapi takpe..at least aku dpt score satu..hehehe...although we lost…tapi there is sportsmanship among them…kalah menang adat permainan lah
After the meeting is over…time tu rasenye baru kul 12 lebih…so then..its almost lunch time..so..sementara menuggu lunch siap…ade yg diantara kami…main ping-pong, main ‘pool’..its like these things is for them..leisure activities lah…and then we had our lunch…solat zohor…and around 2…we arrive at another slot…this time is like a sharing session with the residents….
..morning meeting..
So..during this sharing session…the residents diberi peluang utk menyatakan pengalaman2 mereka kepada kami…share ape yg mereka dah alami selama ni…bagaimana timbulnya keinginan utk ‘keluar’ dari keadaan ketagihan tu…antara ramai2 tu..ada yg sudi berkongsi…aku tgk pun..ade yg segan2…what I feel
is that..maybe hampir semua mengalami bende yg same…what I can say is that…diorang sebenarnye bukan nak jadi sebegitu…cume..kdg2 tu..sebabkan persekitaran sekitar…ade yg sbbkan parents bercerai…pastu keadaan sekitar yg penuh dgr aktiviti kurang elok spt gangsterism..and then ade yg pengaruh kwn..dan sebagainya…once you step on the wrong foot…there is no turning back…aku rase camtu kot mereka rase…tapi..alhamdulillah…Allah Maha Pengasih akan hamba-hambaNya…Tuhan memberi petunjuk dan jalan utk mereka keluar dari ‘kegelapan’…
Selesai sudah sharing session tu…dah masuk waktu asar..sebabkan kami jamak dan qasar…so..kami pi minum petang..sementara menunggu penghuni2 ni solat asar…around 5pm..ade lagi satu slot that we attend to..it is called ‘family haircut’…mende tu?...kene potong rambut ke??..no..its not that..die cume istilah je…(^_*)…so..this 'family haircut ' ni..ape yg difahamkan bukanla satu slot yg dibuat regularly..ia dibuat sekali sekala..jika da sesuatu isu yg timbul yg perlu diselesaikan..maka diadakanlah 'family haircut'..ia dikendalikan oleh en. Sharif..kirenye director utk Darul Islah ni...mule2 kami pun agak blur lah ape yg mereka buat semasa 'family haircut' ni...rupe2 nye..(!_!)...
..family haircut..
Basically..what happens is that..die mcm satu slot 'hukuman' bagi sape2 yg dah buat salah atau melanggar peraturan...so..si 'pesalah' akan berdiri dan menghadap resident2 yg lain...so..sape2 yg rase tak puas hati terhadap si pesalah tu..diberikan peluang utk bersemuka...dan katekan ape yg tak puas hati..but..resident takleh tegur yg boleh 'down' kan pesalah..cume die kene beri teguran yg membina...suasana kdgkala leh jadi tegang..spt ape yg berlaku aritu...sumenye terpaku dan tergamam..tapi..kami sebagai pengunjung..cuba memahami ape yg berlaku sebenarnye...dan abisnya slot tu...maka abis di situ sahaja...tak leh dibawa keluar...faham maksudnye??...(&_*)...
Seperti yg tertera dlm report roomate aku buat..[hehe]..:
'This session was conducted by Mr. Sharif himself. In this session, we been the observer. Family Hair Cut session is a session where all the residents will express their feeling to the resident who had broke the rules of the home. In this session, they can shout and comment and suggest any solution to the wrongdoers. It was to realize the wrongdoers and shared their feelings. After all of the residents express their feelings towards the wrongdoers, they then hug each other and all the things being said or shout were finished at that time. This session is like a therapy session for the residents. They need to be remind and realize about themselves, which is they had make some mistakes in the past and should not make it again in the future.'
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