It's been quite some time that I haven't done any movie reviews. So far as I can remember, last time was last year I think, review on Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Anyway..I don't know about you, tapi..cite yg aku tgk ni does 'knock' me fact, tajuk cite ni seolah-semacam menarik utk ditonton...'curious case'..- mmg rase curious lah...(^_%)..

[taken from] say about this movie is...good, something out of the wonder this movie have won several awards and nominations including 3 is worth other degree, i think that this movie brings up the reality of how life is...Benjamin know that he is a bit different than others...but..that does not stop him from living a normal life...cite ni byk memberi kata2 yg membuatkan aku terfikir kadangkala betul jugak ape yg dikatakan othe point, sometimes it doesn't matter who or what you are, but what is inside of you..if you really feel what you are doing is the right thing..then go ahead and do it..and sometimes life is not how we want it to be...but how we learn to accept it..and make the best out of it...
"Some people are born to sit by a river,
some get struck by lightning,
some have an ear for music,
some are artists,
some swim,
some know buttons,
some know shakespeare,
some are mothers,
and some people... dance."
some get struck by lightning,
some have an ear for music,
some are artists,
some swim,
some know buttons,
some know shakespeare,
some are mothers,
and some people... dance."