I don't know lah..semalam aku rase hepi sgt..suddenly that feeling of sadness and gloomy-ness mcm hilang je...what have i've done ya???...hurm...come to think of it..actually, ape yg aku buat sampai aku rase gembireeeeeeenye...(^_^)...haaa!..there one thing that happened to me that afternoon... a moment that occured to me...a very shortlived moment...i was soo..sooooo..soooooooo..happy...couldn't describe how happy i am at that moment... Hey, some things don't come twice ok.. Its not easy to re-live that...
Anyway, later on at night...one of my friend ajak aku join temankan die masuk konti...yelah die DJ kan..keseorangan lak mlm tu..so..he just ask whomsoever yg nak merasa masuk konti ke..so..aku pun pi la...untuk sejam je pun...and it was satu bende baru bagi aku..and yes, mmg susah sebenarnye nak jadi DJ ni...pikirlah brape byk bende nak ckp..tapi..bile dah depan mikrofon..kdg2 kite terlupa...tapi takpe, whatever yg terpikir at that moment...main ckp aje..asalkan tak lari dari topik lah..(^_*)...
Name: Shahrul Nizam @ Shah - Born: 7 January 1987 @ Johor Bharu, Johor - Schools: SK Batu Berendam, Melaka;SK Wangsa Melawati;C.I.S Sri Lanka; SK T.T.D.I, KL;Central Islamic School, South Africa; SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Kajang - Bachelor of Accounting @ MMU Cyberjaya -
Trip Padang Bukittinggi
Berdasarkan 4 hari aku di sana
Mungkin tak cukup tipsnya
18-21 oct 2014
style: rilex rilex, budget, bukan outdoor tahap extreme
Rate aku tukar di m'sia
Lombok is an island due east of Bali, geographically almost the same size
of Bali; Lombok is a quiet alternate to cheaper- not as cheap and tranquil
as in ...
~ Setahun Yang Panjang ~
*Sekejap bulan sekejap matahari,*
*Bintang merangkak datang pula pelangi,*
*Sekejap resah sekejap suka,*
*Hari merangkak tahun pun pergi.*
*Hakikat hidup...
bab 1
fikirnya mahu mencerita dan mnukilkan kisah dahulu kala. pengalaman hidup
untuk berkongsi bersama teman pembaca tetapi mood hari ini terus bertuk...
DatANg KEmBali ...
Salam Semua ...
hahah... kian lama aku tak start merapu kat blog nie ... aku agak bz skit
kat skang nie .. heheh
memacam dah belaku ...banyak aktiviti ya...
Logo Petunjuk Arah
Assalamualaikum… Kepada rakan-rakan & para tetamu yang akan menghadiri
majlis kami di Taman Melawati, anda boleh mencari petunjuk arah berbentuk
logo seper...
Sejarah: Cakaplah benar walaupun pahit
KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Ogos: Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan
Man berkata, manusia perlu jujur dalam mengkaji dan menafsir sejarah tanpa
24 years old n surviving
I just turned 24 last Monday.
Life is upside down. Really. Seriously.
But I'm going through it day by day, working hard days and nights n usually
until 3 ...
5 January 2011
For the first time after 6 years we've been know each other, we had lunch
together haha! Yeah, first time! Thank you sudi lunch with me and I know u
Conversation of the Day
Friend: So, why are you wearing a Malaysia jersey?
ALI: Err....because I am Malaysian?
Friend: So, those fellas walking around town with the England jersey...
Musafir episod 1
Ahlan Wa Sahlan
nota : Apabila kita rasa,bernafas dan berpijak dengan pasir dan debu yang
sama.Yakinlah cinta dia sememang bukan cinta manusia bias...
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Buku Muka....???
Utk Desa IT,haih mcm x de mase nk update..haha maybe sbb byk dh update kat
facebook kot. Ermm, thank kwn2 Desa it Srwk berkongsi pengalama...
Festo - Nature inspired Technology
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Diving in Acheh
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to see dolphins! The dive center we went to was nice. They helped set up
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Day 1 : Proof That I'll Never Make it as a Whale
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budimu Rasullullah~
Budimu Rasulullah
BudiMu bagai air mengalir
JasaMu bak selaut mutiara
BaktiMu bagai segunung permata… Rasulullah
Wahai insan bernama Muhammad
Sungguh mulia...
Kuliah Setelah Smk
[image: Kuliah setelah smk]
Kuliah setelah smk
KOMPAS.com - Tidak hanya untuk anak SMA/MA/Sederajat, tetapi anak SMK juga
dapat meneruskan ke jenjang pend...
[60] Honey Dew with Nata De Coco *NEW*
Flavor: Honey Dew (mix with honey dew-flavored Nata de Coco jelly)
Type: Single-Layered
Price: RM 1.50 per unit
Description: Light-green in color. The nat...
ceria2 selalu~
senyum itu indah~
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