"Hye, apa khabar awak?"
"Saya sihat. Awak? Bile sampai? Awak mesti penat kan?"
"Takdelah penat sangat. Nak jumpa awak, hilang semua penat saya."
"Awak ni, ade-ade sajelah."
"Erm, malam ni awak nak makan dekat mana?"
"Ape kate restoran dekat tasik tu."
"Boleh jugak. Saya pun dah lame tak makan dekat situ. Jom!"
I remembered the time I met her. The first time that we went out together. It's not easy for me though. Heart pounding, and the nervousness around me. I tried to calm myself. It was a beautiful night. Clear skies and fine weather. No obvious sign that it is going to rain. She really look beautiful that night. Seingat aku, dia memakai baju ungu lembut, dan aku memakai baju 'kotak' kemeja kesayangan aku tu. In the car, we didn't talk much. I felt awkward and nervous. Aku cuba untuk bersahaja. Ceritalah apa yang terfikir di kepala. Aku dapat merasakan yang dia juga berasa kurang selesa. Tapi, aku lihat dia 'ok' je.
By the time we sat down, she was sitting in front of me. Nothing special. Just like going to a normal restaurant, order makanan goreng-goreng aje. Yelah, nak makan mewah-mewah, amboi!. We talked and have 'light' conversations. I don't know, but, so far as I can remember, I was the one that asks so many questions. This and that. Bla..bla..bla..
By the time we sat down, she was sitting in front of me. Nothing special. Just like going to a normal restaurant, order makanan goreng-goreng aje. Yelah, nak makan mewah-mewah, amboi!. We talked and have 'light' conversations. I don't know, but, so far as I can remember, I was the one that asks so many questions. This and that. Bla..bla..bla..
"Nanti, bila lagi boleh jumpa?"
"Ikut awaklah, nanti nak ulang-alik, jalan jauh, kesian awak."
"Erm, kalau camtu, tengoklah nanti camne. Pape nanti mesej-mesej jelah eh?."
"Ok, jalan elok-elok tau. Bye."
I took my handphone, press into the message menu: "Awak, terima kasihla sebab sudi keluar dengan saya malam tadi. Saya mintak maafla kalau saya buat awak kurang selesa, pakse awak ke. Anyway, thanks."
- Sent -
saye rase cm knal je org tu..
emm..saye xsilap org kan? =P
kenal ke org tu??...
err.. kat tepi tasik putra ke? dekat ngn masjid tu ke??
nak try g sane gak..
bukan kat situ arrr..tempat lain...
g dating syiall...
camni r ;p
oo,sbb tu ke ko happy+ceria+joy2 tu??!!!
elo nizam..main kasar nampak..hahaha
bukan arr..
hepi+ceria+joy2 tu sebab lain daaa...(^_&)..
isk...main kasar mendenye..
tak perasan lak jadi hapjoy..(^_$)..
ala.. bgtau la..
nak g dating kt sane gak..
[siyes ni]
nak tau gak ke??
tp..tempat tu dah takde arr...
awk pi pun tinggal tasiknye aje..
rasenye awk tau kot...
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