as usual.. even at home.. first thing yg aku akan buat.. (usually lah).. menghadap laptop aku... buat ape??.. check emel lah... check facebook lah..check blog aku lah.. (routine la katekan..heh..).. I checked my exam schedule "Wah, akhir bulan ni first paper aku...nak kene start study betul2 nih..".. seems like i'm running out of time.. but, nevertheless.. still got time lorr.. (^_^).. so then, I had a thought of wanting to post something.. "Hmm...nak post pasal ape erk?.." somehow, I remembered my birthday this year.. in which I (think) I haven't post anything about it.. Nah.. nothing special bout it though.. Same-o, same-o..
It was about 8 months back.. right at the start of the year.. This year was a bit "special" to me.. Ya la.. got a cake what.. Famili aku yg belikan.. (thanks.!).. it's been, I don't know lah, when is the last time I got a cake for my birthday.. Hurmm.. anyway, for those of my friends who remembered.. I thank them.. But then, it was quite a new experience for me.. coz I had to spent my birthday at the hospital.. quite sad don't you think?.. Nah, what to do.. Nevertheless.. the case is that I was suspected of dengue.. (denggi to pronounce it-I think that is how it spell..).. so, to be safe, I had to stay at the hospital.. to see if there is any serious symptoms.. but, alhamdulillah, later on..there was nothing serious.. phew!.. turn out to be... I got rashes (ye kot).. but there are few symptoms that are particularly same that would occur if you had dengue..'s quite minor though...
Anyway.. I wonder how my next birthday is going to be.. (^_^)...
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