Do you remember the last time you rode a bike and go all the way to the kedai runcit..with all your friends..and then you were fascinated with some of the things.. toys,chocolate, snacks, whatever it is . and then you bought it..and then you go to the playground and play and share it with your friends?.. Ah yes, childhood memories.. come to think of it... when you think of would really feel funny and terase nak gelak sorang2 lak.. sbb .. yelah.. as a child..kanak-kanak riang la katekan.. macam2 bende kite nak... nak beli ni la.. itula.. sanggup lak tu..duit elaun yang mak ayah bagi..kumpul2 dan simpan..semata2 nak beli mainan..(^_^)..
Anyway.. aku ade dapat satu emel dari kwn aku ...if you were the 'child of the 80's to 90's'.. sort of saying membesar dari sekitar tahun 80an ke 90an.. you would probably remember some of these:
Anyway.. aku ade dapat satu emel dari kwn aku ...if you were the 'child of the 80's to 90's'.. sort of saying membesar dari sekitar tahun 80an ke 90an.. you would probably remember some of these:

[..yang ni..aku tak tau la nape banyak sangat budak2 suke mainan ni time tu...memang la syok..tengok penguin tu naik..pastu turun..huhu..]

mmg mengimbau semula zaman kanak2 :p
tu arr...
mcm2 bende kite buat..
beli ni la..itula..
main ni la..itula..
akk sgt suker kartun smurf, ninja turtle & hemannnnnn~ thunder, thunder, thudner cattttt!!!
eh, lebey2 pul0k! :P
maap yer tuan umah~ :D
miss pooh:
klu smurf, ninja turtle ngan hemaann tu sy tau arr..
thunder cat yg mane satu??..
rindu zaman masa2 tuh..
oo comel2..
dragon ball la plg best..
kamu pun minat dragon ball jugak??
lorh..thunder pun tatau, akak pun tau okeyyy :P
akak paling ingat yg main penguin tu ^_^ oh-tidak! saye sudah sangat tua kah? aishh
yg penguin tu comel kan..
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