Already.. going into the second month of the year.. much I had watched during the last month of january.. (maybe not as many as I watched nearing the end-months of last year).. so..just want to update a few dramas that I had watched during the course of the past month..and are watching currently...
So,yang dah abis tgk (on-air dr taun lepas)...

...[Marry Me, Mary!]...

...[Secret Garden]...
These are the one yg tgk dr tahun lepas.. dan tak habis lg tgk.. kene tunggu org upload...(termasuk kdg2 tgk online..)...


...[Flames of Ambition]...

...[All My Love]...
..Drama2 ni plak.. aku start tgk dlm bulan lepas.. dan dah abis tgk during the course of the month...
...[My Girlfriend is a Gumiho]...[http://www.hancinema.net/korean_drama_My_Girlfriend_is_a_Gumiho.php]

...[Witch Yoo Hee]...

...[Jungle Fish 2]...


...[Oh! My Lady]...

...[The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry]...


...[Hot Blood]...

...[Bad Man]...

...[The Slingshot a.k.a A Man's Story]...
And these.. baru start tgk bulan lepas and are waiting for the episodes (currently airing dan kdg2 tgk online..)..

...[Smile, Donghae]...

...[Dream High]...

...[Paradise Ranch]...

...[My Princess]...

hoish!! byknyeee..satu siri drama brape lame amik tuk abeskan? :p
anfal tgh tgk mary oh mary..n soon secret garden :D
Gle r. Awk mmg tgk semua eh? Sy tgk 2 3 je, selective. Sbb yg lain mcm bosan dan copycat je. :P
anfalafna: brape lame?.. tgk ade brape episod arrr... klu drama tu dlm 16 episod.. klu marathon mau sehari setengah dah abis..
ade drama yg 20 episod.. 30 episod.. 50 episod.. so depends arr.. ni pun dah nak exam.. so.. slow sikit..
die jadi cepat habis tgk tu sbb cite tu download kat CT.. klu drama yg kene tunggu tiap2 minggu tu lain la...
ooo..tgk wi ma rie erk.. okla cite tu.. so-so je.. yg secret garden tu bolehla.. tapi..cite tu slow.. tapi sbb ha ji won kan.. tu yg nak tgk..(^_^)..
tgkla dream high.. kat KBS ade...
niksan: takde semua-SEMUA.. selective gak.. bile usha2.. tgk ade pelakon yg cam.. tu yg jadi tgk... ade jgk yg tak tgk.. sbb tak brape minat.. (^^)..
sehari setengah dh bley abes?mmg glerr arr shah nie..anfal marathon pon ade 2,3 hari jugak :))
tp bykkk jugak tuh yg shah tgk.anfal hanya tgk yg org suggest best je..hehe :p
haah.mary oh mary so-so je la..secret garden hotstuff je skrg.tuh yg nk tgk :p
dream high?best ke?tgh tayang kan?
ape2 p0n all da best tuk final :D
anfalafna: sehari setengah tu klu tak de keje.. tp..klu ade keje pun.. pun dpt habiskan sehari setengah.. tgk mood arr.. huhu..
xdela tgk semua-semua yg ade.. tgkla..klu sy rase cite tu mcm ok.. pelakon pun sy ade kenal.. then tgkla..(^^)..
secret garden hot stuff yg hyun bin pakai baju jaket biru tu..huhu..
dream hugh takdela best-best.. tp klu nak tgk idol stars berlakon (mcm taecyon & wooyoung 2PM, suzy miss A, eun-jung t-ara, IU, JOO) .. tgkla.. cite tu pun tgh hot stuff kot skrg... klu kat kbs.. klu tak silap minggu ni episod 4 ngan 6 kot..
yg sy dah tgk sampai episod 11...
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