So.. gone with the wind the month of February... and March will come and greet us... it really feels like the time flies by very fast.. already going into the 3rd month of the year.. nevertheless.. as usual.. I'll update some of the dramas that I watched during the course of the month..
These are the ones yg on-air dr tahun lepas.. dan dah habis dlm bulan ni...
Yang ni start dr taun lepas.. dan still on-going...(salah satu sebab lambat is because of the subtitles.. klu nak tgk raw nye mmg dah jauh arr...tapi camne nak tgk.. tak paham)...

yang ni plak tgk online...sekali-sekale klu ade mase tgk...



yang ni start dlm bulan ni..dan abis dlm blan ni gak...


dan yang dah habis tgk...
...[My Princess]...

here are the ones that have to wait for the weekly episodes (not yet finished)..
... [Paradise Ranch] ...

And last but not least.. anticipated ones..[ though some of it already started]...(mane tau klu akan dtg ade dpt tau ade drama yg rase2 menarik hati.. tgk jela..^^)...
...[Detective in Trouble/Crime Squad]...
...[Believe in Love/My Love, My Family]...



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