
    30 July 2009

    The Time Where It All Started

    ...I got this picture from one of my old friend..seigt aku ade lagi kot gamba ni..(yg dlm bentuk keping tuh..)..ntah ke mane ntah gamba tu...boleh lak kwn aku ni scan..huhu...terigt lak mase zaman kanak2 dulu...I wonder where are they now??..hmmm..anyway..nih mase aku form 3 dulu..(you could see the sign though)... many memories...suka-duka-lara-gembira...macam2 many story to tell..the start-the beginning-the end...(well, literally) which one is me??..(^_^).. hehe..

    25 July 2009

    1st Time DJ!

    How I ever wondered what is the feeling of being a DJ (acronym for disc-jockey).. well, you could say that after those long moments of day-dreaming perhaps (not that I wanted to a 'pro' DJ for one day...but who knows...maybe...just maybe lah)..

    So..citenye camni...I don't knowla..maybe coincidence or confidence..tibe2 tahun ni tergerak lak nak register DJ club mase club registration week aritu...pastu..kebetulan member aku sorang ni..megat namenye..pun nak ajak2..die pun register ngan aku satu...nak jadi DJ handle slot FITRAH tu la...ala..slot yg tahun sebelum ni fakhru ngan fuad not..I give it a shot..see how it goes utk setahun ni..ala..tak lame pun..dlm sejam lebih je slot...huhu..

    Haa..nak tau slot aku ngan megat kul brape??..bagi budak2 mmu...(luar tak tau la leh dgr ke tak..rasenye leh kot....)..slot kami pukul 12 malam...hari rabu...around 1 lebih far..baru satu slot je dikendalikan..yela..baru minggu ni start..manager kami..(ade manager lagi tu..)...nak ajar2 la camne nak handle PA, komputer sumer tu...bayangkan..klu kan konti tu setupnye simple2..pernah tgk kan yg Hot FM AM Crew tu??...tgk kontinye camne...klu yg tu lagi byk bende la boleh buat...

    So...dengarkan kami DJ double M dan DJ (..teka arr ape..hehe..)..utk slot FITRAH..di radio MMU...sensasi cyber anda!...(tagline slot daaa..)..

    ..[haha..nak promote sikit...(^_^)..]..

    18 July 2009

    Bunga 3

    Forgive Me

    I'm sorry for things I've done to you..

    I'm sorry for the words that I've said to you ..

    I'm sorry for making you unhappy..

    I'm sorry for not being someone that you hoped for..

    I'm sorry for not taking care of you..

    I'm sorry for breaking your heart..

    I'm sorry for making you cry ..

    I'm sorry for not being beside you in your time of need ..

    and I'm sorry for the things I've put you through..

    16 July 2009

    I Want to Be An Engineer (^_^)

    One day, a mother ask her son,"When you grow up, what do you want to be?" Of course, being an infant and not having much knowledge about the world around them, the brain would only process such limited knowledge that the son had came across before. If the child has an uncle working as an accountant, he would say "An accountant". If he has a big brother working as an engineer, he would say "An engineer". Or, he would say whatever he had seen in the tv, something that really he fascinates.

    That was one of the scenario when we were still small, when we were on primary school, or even in high school. Some of much not even know what they want to be when they grow up. Nevertheless, for me, maybe something that really fascinates me all this while is engineering. When I was small, I remembered what my teacher asked of my ambition. As far as I can remember, I think I said an engineer. But, where am I today is way over the field. Currently studying in accounting for sure you would guess I would become an accountant. A good accountant. Sigh!. But, nevermind that though.

    So, what is so fascinating about engineering? Based on the definition in wikipedia:

    "Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying technical, scientific and mathematical knowledge to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired objective or inventions."

    The Petronas Twin Towers, used to hold the record for the world's tallest building.

    Currently the world's tallest building, The Taipei 101 in Taiwan.

    Burj Dubai, which is still under construction is said to be the next world's tallest building.

    So, from the definition, I could say it is part of an art, profession, and using critical knowledge such as technical, scientific and mathematical knowledge to create something useful or for the betterment of humankind or community. At first, you could ask "what do engineers do?" And then, I found out that engineering per se have many roots and branches. Some of them includes:

    • Agricultural engineering
    • Biomedical engineering
    • Chemical engineering
    • Computer engineering
    • Electrical engineering
    • Genetic engineering
    • Mechatronics engineering
    • Military engineering
    • Mining engineering
    • Nuclear engineering
    • Software engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Civil engineering and so on..
    But, from the above list, the more I'm fascinated is in civil engineering. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. The field is further broken down into several sub-disciplines such as:

    • Coastal engineering
    • Construction engineering
    • Environmental engineering
    • Geotechnical engineering
    • Materials engineering
    • Municipal engineering
    • Structural engineering
    • Transportation engineering and so on..
    What really interests me is more on construction of buildings. Nowadays, almost everyday, more and more buildings are constructed. And some of these buildings uses the engineering feat to make it more meaningful in terms of design and life span. That is why I used to watch the program in Discovery Channel - Extreme Engineering...(^_^)...

    14 July 2009

    Fed - Up!

    I don't know why la..tibe2 lak aku betul2 rase fed-up...rase2 fed-up yg teramat..- marah - kecewa - frust - bengang - ntahla..agaknye aku ni byk sgt pendam..pendam..then pendam lagi...skrg ni aku rase mcm nak meletup je...yela..aku tau aku ni takdela popular mane pun..slalu je jadi di sebalik tak kenal sgt pun aku..bukan aku nak mintak pujian ke least hargai lah ape yg org dah buatkan...penatla kan org dah buatkan ke hulu-ke hilir..and then terima kasih pun takde...yelah..kang bile ckp ni..kate aku poyo lak..buat keje tak ikhlas...bla..bla..bla... ok fine!...aku buat keje tak ikhlas..ape yg aku buat selama ni tak betul lah..inila itu la...nak wat camne..kang bile tak buatkan..tak retila..nti bende jadi satu hal..dah kene tangguh..makin lame tangguh...then tangguh lagi....kan dah menyusahkan org...

    Lagi satu..sedarla..bende dah lapuk laa...enough is enough la...klu aku kate tak suke tu ...tak suke la...yg nak disebutkan lagi kenape...cube klu org ckp pasal diri korang bende2 tak suke...korang gak bengang kan??..yela..cube bayangkan kene mengate ke..kene usik2 ke bende yg korang betul2 tak suke selama setahun..2 tahun ...3 tahun..4 tahun...10 tahun???... mane tak fed-up nye... nti..sure bile aku kate camni...kate tak sporting la..ape la...ish..peningla aku camni... haaa...sblm aku terlupa... tolongla berpijak di bumi yg nyata... klu aku kate tak suke tu..pergila cari yg laen...yg nak terhegeh-hegeh ni kenape??... yg nak dipaksa-paksakan kenape...kan dah merana..pleasela...jgn disebabkan ape yg laen pulak jadi laen tu tak bersalah...jgnla nak babitkan diorang lak... pleasela... kan dunia ni ade berbillion...tak ...tak...kecikkan skop sikit...kat malaysia ni ade beribu lagi org laen...pergi lah cari...ntah2 org laen jauh lebih baik dari diri aku ni... aku ni apela yg ade...

    tau tak camne perasaannye tgk org lain happy?? laen tu bahagia je.. klu exam tu lulus je all the way... mmgla kite pun tumpang skali..kite ucapkan tahniah atas kejayaan diri sendiri.. tau tak camne perasaan tu??...- die dtg mcm satu perasaan yg hiba..bercampur baur...terasa diri ni dah byk sgt buat salah..rase kecik sgt2...pastu nti start rase menyesal...sesalan tu dipendam lagi...tapi yela..korang tak pernah merasa semua tu agaknye...tau tak macammane pahitnye merasa satu kegagalan tu??.... rase seolah diri ni berada bawah..betul2 bawah... utk waktu yg sgt lame...bile dihulurkan tali..samaada kite nak panjat tali tu supaya keluar dari lubang yg teramat dalam - gelap - ataupun kite biarkan..dan kite cube cari jalan lain utk keluar dari lubang tu...camtu la kot rasenye...tapi yelah..takkan nak salahkan org lain..salahkan diri sendiri la sbb tak berusaha... aku pernah berada di dalam lubang itu..dan macammaner aku nak keluar sgt2 payah...tapi ntahla...skrg ni ape bende yg aku buat...mcm serba tak kena...

    ape lagi...ape lagi yg aku tibe2 rase fed-up sgt2 skrg ni...erm..aku mintak maaflah kalau aku ni tak sampai ape yg diharapkan...yelah..expectation.. suruh buat ni tak reti...suruh buat tu tak reti...aku ckp ni bukan nak kutuk sape2 erk..lebih baik aku kutuk diri sendiri...sbb diri sendiri ni klu dikutuk..diri sendiri jugak akan yelah kan...agaknye diri ni byk sgt dosa...dah lame tak bertaubat...bukan astaghfirullah semata2 di mulut...tapi hati ni..hati ni dah terlalu kotor agaknye...kite ni kdg2 terkejar2 sgt bende yg kite nak..tak kisahla kereta ke..ape utk akhirat kite terlupa..haa..nak kate ape..aku ni hipokrit??..cakap tak serupa bikin???..yelah..aku pun manusia jugak..hari ni mungkin sedar...esok2 buat lagi...hmm..kdg tu yelah...bile kite suke sgt2 sesuatu tu..kite pun carila jalan camne nak dptkan...- setahun..2 tahun..5 tahun..10 tahun...-..buat ni..buat tu..semata2 nak dptkan bende yg kite nak tak yela kan..nak wat camne..dah tak dpt..kecewa tu mmg la bersangka baikla..mungkin takde rezeki ke...hmmm...

    sorila..aku sebenarnye dah penat sgt...penat..letih...sampai bile lagi org nak pijak aku...and then bile dah kene pijak..aku lak bersangka baik ngan org tu...'takpela, mungkin die tak tau..'...' takpela, sesame kawan kan..'..'takpela..sekali sekala tlg kan'..takpela...takpela... sampai bila aku perlu berkorban demi kebahagiaan org laen??...sampai bila??...- aku betul2 rase nak lari jauh dari sini...makin lame kadang...aku pun rase tak tahan...tapi..aku sayangkan korang...dah ramai org aku jumpe...aku rase tak sanggup nak tinggalkan..selain family aku..koranglah tempat aku mengadu..bercerita ke...tapi ade je org laen..tapi sape je yg ade...yg betul2 paham diri aku ni camne..ntahla..ade org pernah kate aku ni pelik..agaknye ye kot..aku ni mmg pelik..ape yg aku tulis2 ni bukan aku tujukan pada korang...malah pada sesiapa pun...aku tujukan ni utk diri aku sendiri...supaya aku sendiri sedar..dan buat yg patut...tapi ntahla...nak merawat hati yg dah sakit dah tenat ni amik mase yg lame...tapi ntahla...
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