
    06 August 2008

    Dynamic Team Singapore (DTS) 2008 [Part 12] – Closing Ceremony

    Jumaat – 6 Jun 2008.

    As usual, we woke up early in the morning..then siap2 kan diri..nasib baik sbb mlm tadi dah kemas2 baju nak rushing pagi tu…we waited for the bus that will take us to Jamiyah headquarters…that morning will be the closing ceremony…after nearly 4 days at Singapore…this will be our last day here..hoping that whatever is accomplished during the course of stay…insyaAllah we can produce the documentary about Jamiyah..

    So..the ceremony was held at the conference room..just like where we did the opening ceremony before…the ceremony was attended by almost 10 representative from Jamiyah itself..and one of it was Mr. HM. Saleem, Secretary of Jamiyah Organization Singapore..seigt aku..en. Husni pun ade..dan beberape org lagi lah…so..during the ceremony..we exchanged views on how to improve the latter in the future…all in was a..I should say a good accomplishment from all of us..the Dynamic Team Singapore…(&_*)…After the ceremony..we attended Mr. Saleem for a short interview…after that kami bersiap utk solat Jumaat…

    Selepas solat Jumaat..kami bersiap untuk jalan2 ke bandar...1st stop is..kat masjid..aku pun tak igt ape name masjid tu...kat situ ade muzium kesenian melayu...kot...anyway..ade kedai2 kat la sikit...then kami berjalan menuju ke bugis street...die mcm ala-ala petaling street arr..tempatnye berbumbung...then kedai2 kecik..jual mcm2 lah..after that..kami pi mkn murtabak...klu selama ni kate nak mkn murtabak singapore..selalunye aku akan igt kat muar yg ni baru dpt merase murtabak singapore yg sebetulnye...after mkn tu...kami berjalan lagi...pi mkn lagi...fuuhhh...mkn ajele...kali ni kedai tu takla jauh sgt dari kedai murtabak td tu...kedai ni klu tak silap aku jual aneka sup..ape yg kami mkn kat situ...dgr kate mcm sup die warne merah..mmg mengiurkan...

    lepas abis mkn sumer..we head on back to jamiyah headquarters..amik beg sumer...then bas bawak kami ke tanjung pagar...tempat stesen kereta api KTM tu..we bid farewell to kak lisa..its quite sadden coz..yelah..perasaan nak berpisah tu...anyway..kami bertolak dari singapore malam...and we reached KL sentral around 7-8 in the morning...later..bas mmu dtg..and we head on back to the campus...


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