
    31 March 2009


    ~Petang tadi..bile aku pegi lecture..satu bende pun aku tak paham...tgk depan...tapi..satu bende pun tak masuk...kpale otak aku ni rase bebal semacam...argh!!..

    esok aku ade midterm..nak study..mood takde...bace2..tak paham...aku cuba buat latihan...itupun dpt buat sikit...

    knape ni???nape??...nape??..


    Desa IT 2009 Sarawak [#1]: The Return

    Akhirnya..selepas setahun menghilang..kini aku kembali dengan edisi ke-2 aku join program ni...hahaha...last time desa IT yg aku join was way back in 2007..mase gi Penang...tahun lepas buat kat Sabah..tapi aku tak ni...aku berjaya jugak dpt join...yehaa!!..

    So..kali ni..tempatnye di sarawak..nuuu jauh di Borneo...for the record...stakat kali ke-2 aku menjejakkan diri ke bumi sarawak ni...kali pertama kat Miri...kali ni di Kuching...(meow..meow...(^_^)....)...hah...tu aku dah letak map skali..leh tgk2 Kuching tu kat mane...hehe..

    Anyway..tu just teaser je..ala2 intro gitu...lum aku nak cerita sepenuhnye ape yg aku lalui kat sane...haha...haa, nak tau cerita??..klu nak tau...nantikan post2 seterusnya....(^_&)..byee~~~...

    Selamat Ulang Tahun... Sayang...

    30 March 2009

    Gembiranya Saat BersamaMu

    Supposedly..dah lame aku nak post..tapi..asyik tangguh2 je..tarikhnye 8-9 mac skrg nak post...haizz...anyway, briefly, Gembiranya Saat BersamaMu ni..adalah hasil gabungan ISBM dan GBM..mende tu??...klu aku nak explain...panjang citenye... maleh arr nak cite...hehe... apepun...aku letak gambau jela aktiviti2 yg kami buat selama di sana.[..tempatnye di PD daaa....(^_^)...]....

    ...manela shah ni???...haih...[..depa ni tgh tunggu aku daaa...]...

    ...pintu masuk tempat penginapan kami...

    ...nuuu..tgh main layang2...niceee!....

    ..cendol lagi...haizz...

    ...ayam nyum nyum!....

    ...tau tak ape tu??...kentang daa...

    ...time2 gini lak la nak pancit..haih...

    ...buat ape la tu...

    ...cover album la katekan...

    ...lagi satu cover album...haizz...

    ..main2 bubble lak die...

    29 March 2009

    Kau Begitu Sempurna

    I would like to dedicate this song to a special friend of mine. Setelah hampir setahun berlalu, sungguh, aku masih tidak dapat melupakannya. Kehadiran kau sedikit sebanyak mengingatkan diriku, seolah diri kau tidak tumpah seperti diri aku. I feel that you should deserve better. I apologize any wrongdoings that I have done to you all this time, since the time we met. I thank you for all the laughter, the memories that we spent together. Be strong, have good faith my friend, and insyaAllah the time will come. Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself. Go for what you really what. If that is what you really want and what's best for you. Dan sentiasalah berdoa padaNya. Amin.

    Kau begitu sempurna
    Di mataku kau begitu indah
    Kau membuat diriku akan selalu memujamu

    Di setiap langkahku ku kan
    selalu memikirkan dirimu
    Tak bisa ku bayangkan
    Hidupku tanpa cintamu

    Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
    tak kan mampu menghadapi semua
    Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

    Kau adalah darahku
    Kau adalah jantungku
    Kau adalah hidup ku lengkapi diriku oh sayang engkau begitu

    ... sempurna

    21 March 2009

    Hurt Heart

    ~ the hurt heart ~

    ..don't ask if i'm ok..
    ..just always know..
    ..that my smiles aren't for real..

    ...please don't this to me..
    ...I beg of you.. had many times I had fall...
    ~ I have been broken too many times ~

    16 March 2009

    Cendol Satu!!!

    Bayangkan..hari yang panas terik..cuaca petang yg agak panas..berpeluh..tambah lak dengan tekak yg haus..rase mengantuk lagi..langit yg cerah..tiada tanda2 nak hujan..lepas tu..member lak ajak pekene cendol...pergh!!!!...(^_%)...

    Hmmm...cite sikit la pasal cendol ni...bile disebut je cendol...what comes to our mind is...usually org2 yg jual cendol ni slalu nye kat tepi2 jalan...bawah pokok lak tu...and then slalunye mamak yg jual...tak tau la tempat lain camne...kat tempat aku..aku tgk 2-3 gerai camtu...lepas tu..dahla pekene cendol...tambah lak kene pisang goreng...wuwuwu~...lagi la..feveret aku lak tu....hehehe...apepun...ade je yg jual kat kedai2...member aku lak kate..ade satu kedai kat melaka..kat jonker walk...cendol die mmg..mMMmmmMMMmmmM!....sedap sgt..sampai aku tak tau nak describe camne...hehehe...[..aku pun tak pernah lagi pi sane...(%_$)...]...

    Jika bertandang ke seremban..ade satu tempat cendol popular ni...namenye cendol Leman yg duduk sekitar seremban-senawang tau la kot kat mane...yg best nye...kite bayar utk mkn satu mangkuk cendol tu....tapi..selepas tu...kite leh tambah brape byk kali kite of charge!...hehehe...mmg lemak arr...(^_%)....[...klu tersilap info...betulkan ye...bukan ape...dah lame tak pi sane...(%_%)...]... haa..cendol ni lak...ade mcm2 'add-ons'...skrg ni..aku tgk...ade yg leh campur ngan jagung, kacang merah, pulut..dan lain2 lagi yg aku tak tau...har har har...dan..usually [not always]..mamak/pak cik yg jual cendol tepi jalan ni..die tak jual cendol je..kdg tu ade rojak, atau rojak mee....[..mcm2 ada...hehe..]

    ...Wahai kawan-kawan....bilela kite nak pi mkn cendol lagi nii????.....lalalala~..(^_^)...

    15 March 2009

    Picnic @ Bagan Lalang

    7 Mac 2009

    Al kisah. Maka tersebutlah sebuah kisah di mana pada satu hari sekumpulan manusia pergi ke pantai..[..ceh..ade2 jela intro ko ni..]...(^_%)..anyway..about a week ago..aku dan beberape member2 aku nih pergi ke pantai Bagan Lalang..tak jauh gak arr dari kampus...around 20-30 minit dah sampai...rase mcm tak jauh..yelah..lagipun lalu jalan jalan selaju kat highway tu..aku dari rumah..singgah jap kat bandar kajang..pi amik sate Hj. Samuri...organizer kate menu tu antaranya sate la...tu yg aku pi amik..sbb depa dah booking kat situ...and aku tau tempat sikit keje...after that aku terus menuju ke sana...

    ...pemandangan di tepi pantai...

    ...bajet nak buat cover album...sampai skrg tak keluar2 lagi single...haih...


    ...antara aktiviti yg kami main ialah galah panjang...lame gak tak main..huhu..


    ...haih..xde keje..nilah die...main bubble...

    Sampai-sampai je...tgk2 hujan..aku tgk pun cuaca agak mendung nak hujan tu sgt tinggi...tapi..alhamdulillah tak lame..selang beberape minit...kami pun dapat mulakan aktiviti kami...mule2 taaruf sikit..pastu makan..hahaha...[..perut dah lapau sgt..tak tahan..hehe..]..lepas mkn...kami solat zohor..and then start aktiviti tepi pantai...katenye mcm picnic..mmg santai2 arr...oh ye..lupe lak..organizer program hari tu dari biro ekonomi..katenye appreciation utk peserta2 yg join seminar 5 tips yg nak pi..leh je...(^_%)..

    ...nilah hasil sand castle aku...cantik tak??...hehe...

    ..pastu lak...kami main selipar 3...main baling2 selipar arr...

    ....dapat hadiah tu...

    ...bergambau sblm pulang...

    Anyway..rase mcm maleh lak nak bercerite..mostly kami main2 jela kat tepi pantai tu...tu je..adela jalan2...usha2 org....hehehe...hah...aku letak gambau jela..senang cite...(%_^)...

    13 March 2009

    Me & Her [2]

    "Awak, bile awak nak datang KL?. Asyik saye je ke sane, skali-skale awak datangla sini."

    "Ala, bukannya saye tak nak, tapi, susahla kalau sorang-sorang. Nak kene ajak kawan skali. Kalau takde kawan nak ikut, saye tak boleh pi. Lagipun, mama tak bagi sorang-sorang."

    "Ooo, kalau gitu, awak ajakla kawan baik awak tu skali. Awak balik hari jela, satu hari je jalan-jalan kat KL. Boleh eh.."

    "Erm, tengokla camne, pape nanti saya gitau awak eh.."

    It's not that i do want it, but, i've been thinking of doing some things differently. Most of the time, I'm the one that always meet her by her place. Sometimes, I want to bring her to some place nice, and memorable perhaps. Just going to simple places, not those lavish places. Heck, going to those places make me a bit, abit awkward I should say, and heck, I can't afford it lah. It's been quite sometime that I invite her to come here. One day..

    "Awak, hari minggu ni saye nak datang KL. Awak free tak?"

    "Betul ke ni awak nak datang? Saye ok je rasenye, sebab awak nak datang, saye free2 kan diri saye."

    "Ok, nanti saye dengan kawan saye datang naik bas. Nanti jumpa kat Pudu jela. Pape nanti saye mesej awak bile dah sampai."

    I was really looking forward to see her that weekend. So far as I can remember, I haven't had much things to do that weekend. Nah, even if I had things to do, I would skip it. Do it later lah. Anyway, the day was saturday. That time, I use my friend's motorcycle, sort of borrowed it from him, and drove from my house all the way to SOGO. There, I parked the motorcyle, go on to Pudu, using the STAR LRT, about 2 station away to Masjid Jamek Station, where I would meet hear by the Pudu Bus Terminal.

    "Hye awak, ape khabar? Akhirnye, sampai jugak awak ye.."

    "Hye, erm, yela, dah awak beriya nak saye datang, saye datangla."

    "Ala, bukannye slalu kan jalan-jalan camni. Tiket bas balik kul brape?"

    "Petang nanti, dalam kul 5."

    "Ooo, kalau gitu jom, kite pergi KLCC. Kite pergi Aquaria."

    She wore a almost everything in dark blue and I wore a yellow-collared shirt
    with my black Quiksilver hat. We walked from Pudu, using the available public transportation there is, mostly the LRT trains. At Aquaria, we took the tour of the whole place, seeing all the wonderful aquatic life, from fishes, sharks, turtles and so on.

    "Okla awak, saye nak balik dah ni, terima kasihla bawak saye jalan-jalan hari ni."

    "Same-same, terima kasih jugakla sebab sudi datang ke sini. Jumpa lagi eh, bye"

    I bid her farewell and waive goodbye.

    12 March 2009

    Slumdog Millionaire

    Phew! we are..another movie review...baru je aritu buat review pasal anak 'butang'..skrg ni citer lain plak...haih..okla..kali ni...tajuk ni bertajuk 'slumdog millionaire'..mule2 aku agak hairan jugakla...kenape cite ni dpt menang byk award...especially anugerah Oscar tu...tu kirenye event paling ber'prestij' la katekan....award utk movie2 yg terpilih..(lebih kurangla..(^_^)..hehe..)..anyway..bile member2 aku yg dah tgk..pastu die kate best lak tu...tu yg aku nak tgk...and then bile aku dah wonderla die boleh menang my opinion (..cewah..)...plot dan jalan cite ni agak berlainan sikit jugakla...people say its cite hindustan..tapi direktornye org putih...mostly dlm cite ni pun spoken in english..there were few yg pelakon ckp hindu...tapi ade subtitle la...dari satu sudut..ape yg menarik pasal cite ni..its how the direktor bring up the reality cara hidup masyarakat di india...the word 'slum' my interpretation is mcm setinggan know...mcm rumah papan..atap zink..air yg kdg2 dari sumber yg tak bersih...and klu tgk dlm cite ni..'slum' yg dipaparkan..mmg jauh bezala klu nak dibandingkan dgn 'setinggan' kat malaysia..cuma..takdela aku kate org2 yg duduk setinggan tu 'slum'..perumpamaan aje ye...(^_^)...

    So..throughout the story..Jamal..which is the main the center of attention when dia terpilih utk join jadi peserta 'Who want's to be a millionaire?'...along the way..the were few doubts that to how does this Jamal..who live in a 'slum' almost entire his childhood years..which also an orphan..can manage to answer all of the questions right up until the million dollar question...if you the starting of the story...there will be a screenshot saying:

    Jamal Malik is one question away of becoming the next millionaire. How did he do it?

    a. He cheated
    b. He's lucky
    c. He's a genius
    d. It is written

    Lebih kurang camtu those 'movie lovers'...pila tgk cite ni...tak rugi ape pun...(^_%)...panjang lebar jugak aku buat review erk..mcm nak cite satu cite tu je...apepun ni synopsis nyelah aku amik dari IMDB...

    Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik (Patel), an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India¹s "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"

    But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika (Pinto), the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show¹s questions.

    Each chapter of Jamal's increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show's seemingly impossible quizzes. But one question remains a mystery: what is this young man with no apparent desire for riches really doing on the game show?

    When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out.

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