
    31 December 2009

    Last Post of The Year!

    This will be my last post for the year. Have a wonderful 2010 everyone!!.. (^_^)..

    ... Happy New Year!!!..

    Catatan Terakhir 5

    Alhamdulillah, tahun 2009 hampir melabuhkan tirainya. Dalam beberapa jam lagi, kita akan melangkah ke tahun baru. Tahun 2010 dan juga dekad yang baru. Macam tak percaya bukan? Pejam celik, dah sepuluh tahun berlalu. Living in the 90's, and then come 2000, and then 10 years after, here we are.

    Selangkah memperingati apa yang kita dah lalui selama setahun ni, banyak, dan terlalu banyak pengalaman pahit, manis, suka, duka, dan gembira yang kita lalui bersama. Sementelah, setahun yang lalu perlu dinilai dan diimbas kembali, sejauh manakah kita mencapai azam yang kita dah tetapkan satu masa dahulu. Masih ingatkah lagi? Mungkin, tak semua yang ade niat pasang azam masa awal-awal dulu. Tapi, ada juga yang niat untauk berazam. Azam yang ditetapkan boleh jadi macam-macam. Ada yang nak berubah dari kurang elok kepada baik. Ada yang barangkali berazam untuk mendirikan rumahtangga. Ada juga yang berazam untuk membeli kereta MyVi atau BMW dan sebagainya. Memang, tanyalah pada sesiapa pun, chances that you would get the same answer, maybe, the odds that you would get is a different one. Each of us has their own targets, or resolutions as we say it. But, whatever it is, the question remains, 'Have I done it? Have I accomplish it? What did I do to make it done? What steps or actions I had taken?' 365 days ago, we have set our targets for this year. Now, coming into, or nearly finishing the year's 365th day, have we really make the best of it. It's true, either spiritually or materially, It's you that have to judge whether or not you have really make an effort towards it.

    In a few hours, 2009 will leave us, in our dear hearts, and 2010 will welcome us with an open arms. Many of us will look forward into this new year, as it always is, that we tend to make resolutions for the year. Some of us would just continue with last year's, and maybe some would make a new one. But, as a muslim, kita harus bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah telah berikan kerana kita masih lagi dapat bernafas di muka bumiNya selama setahun, dan tahun berikutnya. Memang, jika dihitung dari sudut amalan, kita sendiri barangkali tak tahu berapa yang kita dah lakukan. Berdosakah aku? Sudahkah aku bertaubat? "Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hambaMu ini." Mungkin, kita solat 5 waktu. Tetapi, adakah solat 5 waktu itu kita yakin bahawa kita dapat melaksakan dengan sempurna? Memang, dosa dan pahala itu di tangan Tuhan. Kita meyakini apa yang kita lakukan, dengan baik, dengan sedaya upaya mengikut garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan, mengikut Al-Quran dan Sunah Nabi S.A.W, kita akan dapat pahala. Pada masa yang sama, kita cuba untuk elak dari melakukan sebarang dosa. Orang akan kate, "It's easier said than done." Kalau difikirkan balik, kadang-kadang betul jugak. Memang senang cakap, tapi, nak buat tu susah sangat. Terasa berat dan susah.

    Bagi diri ini sendiri, terlalu banyak kenangan yang dilalui selama setahun ni. Tak lame lagi aku dah nak masuk 23 tahun. Satu peringkat umur yang pada aku, agak matangla bagi seseorang. Apepun, sekali imbas ape yang aku lalui setahun ni, terlalu 'menggamit memori' la katekan. I remember I had to spend my birthday at the hospital. The night on the 6th, I was admitted to the hospital. The doctor say I had a suspected dengue fever because some of the symptoms were visible. So, I had to stay at the hospital for a few days to see if I really had the fever. Just to be safe. So, terasa agak terkilan jugak la sebab celebrate birthday kat hospital. But, what can I say, bende dah nak jadi. Amik sebagai satu pengalaman la kan. That's was some of it and that was nearly a year ago, right at the beginning of the year. Come to think of it, time passes by really fast isn't it?

    Truth to be told, my feeling does feel a bit of a mix-up. Wondering how's the year is going to be. Would it be just fine, better or worst? And, I really, wouldn't know what the answer is going to be. Kita merancang, Tuhan merancang. Tetapi, sebaik-baik perancang ialah Allah. Memang, rancanglah berapa banyak atau macammana pun. Sometimes, what we really hoped for, we didn't get. And sometimes, we get something which is better. So, be grateful of what we have now and what we get.

    The time now at my computer is 11.25. Dalam kesempatan ini, all I just want to say is, have a wonderful time to all. Maafkan diri ini jika ada melakukan sebarang kesilapan. Halalkan makan minum, kalau ade terkurang ke, mintak dihalalkan, kalau ade terlebih ke, pun mintaklah dihalalkan jugak. Ada mase, kite akan bergurau sama-sama. Ada masa kita akan bersedih sama-sama. Jangan lupa untuk solat 5 waktu, kerana solat itu tiang agama. Tidak solat, bermakna runtuhlah tiang agama. Dan jika runtuh tiang agama itu, takut-takut nanti, akidah mudah tergoncang dan membawa kepada perkara-perkara yang ditegah oleh agama. Walluhu'alam.

    Tak Sudah Lagi Dengan Ayam Penyet? (4)

    Oh yeah! what a way to spend your bits and pieces of the last days of 2009... ayam penyet lagi..the same name..same taste...hehe.. so.. this is the 5th outlet la yg kami singgah utk makan.. tempatnye?? ... haa..jauh nuu sampai ke wangsa maju sane.. tau wangsa walk mall?? kalau tak tau kat mane.. dekat2 dengan carrefour wangsa maju sane.. quite far la i should say.. and considering that shopping complex ni kire outlet baru bukak arr...

    So then.. nothing much to story-mory bytheway.. kind of the same thing yg aku dah cite dalam post2 sebelum ni.. it's just that we had this idea of spending the time towards the end of the is what we did la... bukanla outlet yg terakhir.. so far as i know.. ade lg 2 outlet yg lum 'diserbu' lagi.. tapi takpe.. we end our part-journey for 2009.. and continue on our quest in 2010!..

    Good Bye 2009!

    ... and a Happy New Year!...

    p/s: next stop.. Sunway... hehehe.. (^^)..

    26 December 2009


    Ever wonder what's life is going to be in 20 years? 30 years? or maybe 50 years? Who knows. Only God knows it. Everyday, we pretend the life that we live, to do what we suppose to do. Everyday, when we wake up, we would say to ourselves, "Today, I'm going to do this. Today, I'm going to do that." We woke up, hopefully, we could accomplish something by the end of the day. Some of us would rather smile, a grin that maybe none of us would know, except ourselves. That smile, that happy smile, is something that we are really eager to look forward, during the day. Some of us lead a happy life. Good and steady job. Graduate with flying colors. Overseas education perhaps. In a few years, things look well on you. Steady income. Married a beautiful wife, happily married. Have some kids perhaps. Maybe 2, or 3. 'What life would have been', as some people would say. All in all, its what you had accomplished all those years of hardship. You work your way through to the top. You had a dream. A dream.

    Likewise, for some, life is as if it's not matter them. It's like waking up on the wrong side of the bed, and you would you have this lazy, sort of feeling, and you mutter yourselves, 'Ah, not again, why do I have to do it." It seems endless. But again, they may feel unlucky. Hardly enough for them to be grateful though, living what life they have. It all does seems endless after all. Not knowing when and how it would end. You would hope, by the stroke of luck, something's going to change. Hoping that you would cross over to a better life.

    We are humans. As humans, we make mistakes. Some mistakes either we did it purposely, or its just something that we don't realize it at the time. And then, when its over, you would think about it over and over what went wrong. You try to change it. But, it's all over. Somethings just never change. Nevertheless, you would believe in second chances do you? As you go along, it's either a 'do' or a 'don't'. You try to redeem yourselves. You tried to make it worthwhile to yourself and to others. Its like, you would believe there is a second chance to change, to redeem yourself. You have the self-belief in you. You would see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You wouldn't know what's beyond it. But, you believe that at the end of that tunnel, there is still hope. Something that would change you and yourself. You tried and you tried. It's what you believe in that kept you going. Believe.

    22 December 2009

    Tak Habis-Habis Lagi Ayam Penyet? (3)

    Hah.. ayam penyet lagi!.. hehe.. kirenye outlet yg ke-empat la..tempatnye?..kat puchong tu je..lebih detail lagi..dekat2 ngan Giant..kalau sape2 tau Giant Puchong tu kat mane.. restoran ayam penyet ni dekat2 situla... i mean.takdela dekat2 situ..kene pusing2 sikit... kalau dari highway LDP tu leh la nampak...

    so..ade ape ngan ayam penyet ni??.. ntahla..tibe2 terase nak mkn sibuk2 exam ni...mcm2 bende nak buat..ngan stress study nye..tak cukup tido nye..tgk movienye..main game ease-off..pegila amik angin sekejap...last2..pegi mkn ayam biase..order ayam penyet dgn nasi putih..order air skali lah..(supaya x tercekik..)..uhuk..uhuk..~

    p/s: aku dgr kat wangsa walk ade satu... Jom2!!..

    21 December 2009


    18 December 2009

    Life Without Rain [Part 3]

    Yesterday was the 17th, today is the 18th, and tomorrow will be the 19th. It rained yesterday, it rains today and haven't sure whether it will be raining tomorrow. But, what is it so special about the rain? When it rains, surely, everything will get wet. To some people, it's like a 'barrier', that reprimands your daily activity. To some people, it's a blessing. Sure enough, if it has been hot for days, a few hours of rain perhaps should do it, just to cool of the day, so to speak. To some people, it symbolizes something. Just like in literature. A metaphor. Something that he or she had experienced before, and thus, makes the rain something which he remembers. Ironically, that's what many poets, or 'artists' so to speak, idolizes. No. not idolizes, but perhaps making the rain a bit.. Nah, can' really find the right words though.

    Rain, rain, rain, go away..

    Anyway, today it rains again. I was at my room. The sky above was a bit dark. It all looked gloomy and enough said, it was dark all over the room. Feel kinda in a romantic mood, perhaps. At times like this, it kind of remembers me what I used to do. Have you ever felt the 'sweetness' of having a cup of hot Nescafe or Milo, or Teh Tarik, or coffee, or whatever, with a bit of pisang goreng on the side. Phew~. Makes we wonder, if that moment would come again. But, sure though, I could re-live it. Maybe, not today.

    The year has come to a near-end. In a few days, the new year will come. It's a joy and happiness, that brings a whole new meaning. For some, the new year will be as a stepping stone for them to start anew. Probably, things which they haven't done in the previous years. Or, to forget about things and move on. Ah yes, cliches. Its the same thing, all over again. And before you know it, it slowly diminishes. And, so much so, for some, it's and end. An end of a new beginning...

    12 December 2009

    Riwayat Kisah Duka & Lara

    It has been almost three days that I stayed up all night. I don't know why. I spent most of the time watching movies. some of it I watched again. Some of it, I'd never watched it before. Well, that's what the most thing that I did. I started to think. Now that it's already December, it is the last month of the year. Time really passes by very fast. It seems like just yesterday that you did something really remembers you. Something that you really like. Frankly speaking lah.

    These past few days, I felt a sudden 'un-easyness' on myself. I felt kind-of 'mixed-up' or should I say it as 'resah' or 'jiwa kacau'. I do feel that I had nothing to do, although final exams is right around the corner bytheway. But, it like I don't feel like it at the moment. Few days ago, I listened to this one song which was sang by Misha Omar, entitled 'Riwayat Cinta'. In short, the lyrics in that song tells portrays a love story to an end (I think la). Well, from the title of it, you would probably guessed it. But, to me, that song really had me thinking of the past. Sometimes, it's hard to let go of things, so be it. You kept your mind on doing other things, just to keep away those 'flash-backs' on your head. It's not easy, but, you can try. Sometimes it's hard for someone to accept what had happened to him or her. As you go along, some things do change, and some things don't.

    Every story has a start. Be it a good, or bad. But, usually, in any kind of story, it portraits something which is nice. In literature, we call it a 'plot'. So, in any story, the plot plays a role on how the story is told. As I said, there's a start, which usually known as the introduction, where you get to know the characters in the story. As you go along, at a certain stage in the story, the plot changes. There will be a climax, just before the end of the story. Ever heard of 'a happy ending?'. Well, some stories do not end that way. It is either a happy one, sad or tragic. But, every story has an end to it.

    But, for my story? Well, we'll have wait and see...

    In life, it is not the world that revolves around you, but,
    it is what YOU can make the best of it...

    Sometimes, we have to accept what others think about ourselves,
    than to think what we think about others...

    Forgive ourselves what we did in the past and
    try not to repeat the same mistake in the future...

    One day, when you wake up in the morning,
    you'll realize that 'this is what life is all about'...

    09 December 2009

    Lagi - Lagi Ayam Penyet? (2)

    Ayam penyet..ayam penyet..ayam penyet..ayam penyettt...haa...mari kite pekene makan ayam penyet lagi..huu~..last time aku makan..adela beberape bulan tu kat cawangan yg lain..kali ni lak..aku mkn kat bangi nye cawangan..rasenye2kan..kalau dah takde keje..agaknye semua cawangan nti aku try..walhal makan bende yg same gak...huhu..apepun..aku tidak pergi keseorangan...aku pi skali ngan 'geng2' yg know..the usuals lah... hee~... klu ikutkan dah lame aku tau yg cawangan bangi ni nye...member aku sorang ni la yg duduk dekat2 kat situ gitau...tapi tak berkesempatan... dah tu..tempatnye pun agak tersorok gak..rasenye klu org tak tau..mmg tak tau la kedainye kat situ...

    *p/s: mane seterusnye??..hehe..

    08 December 2009

    MY SPY

    Hah..terase dah lame tak buat movie review..aku pun dah tak igt ape cite last aku buat review...huu~..anyways..aku nak bercerite-rite sikit la satu cite yg aku tengok kat wayang minggu lepas... mule2 aku ingat cite hollywood.. cliche~.. yela..dah tajuk nye pun igt cite hollywood..

    nak dijadikan cerite...cite start kul 10.30 malam..tapi aku sampai lambat dlm setengah jam...tu yg bile aku sampai2 je..dah duduk tu..'eh..cite melayu?.. lah..rupenye..cite ni'..aku kate dlm takpela..tengokjela...huhu..

    so..ape yg menariknye cite ni??..klaka..klaka...dan klaka..itu je kot yg aku leh citekan...hehe..mane taknye..dlm wayang tu ..ade je adengan2 yg 'mencuit hati'...mmg gelak sakan arr sumer dlm panggung tu...klu tak gelak mase scene yg klaka..tak tau la..haih~..

    anyways..sedikit sinopsis la cite nih...aku copy paste je ye..hehe..

    Wildman AJ (AC Mizal) is colour blind. Salleh (Harun Salim Bachik) is a retired cop who tries to sell his invention to the police. The two hate each other but these two private detectives must join forces to solve their biggest cases, involving a corrupt man (Datuk 'O' Osman), a sexy secretary (Hannah Tan) and an art collection theft syndicate.

    Haa..itula sinopsis nye..pendek, padat dan tak menarik perhatian langsung...(haha..;)..)...anyways..sape2 yg lum tgk..(like I usually say before this..haih..).. pi la tgk..(^_^)...

    Beautiful Maria of My Soul

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